Commemorative Souvenir Program Booklet
This commemorative souvenir program booklet will be given to dinner/dance banquet attendees and special guests creating an opportunity for your ad to reach a unique population of around 400 to 500 readers in Tucson, Phoenix and Sierra Vista area. We invite you to reserve your advertising space now. The deadline for advertisements is March 1, 2024. Prices for advertisements are shown below. Please return this page with your ad, as you want it to appear in our souvenir booklet. Camera ready art or a file on disk (TIFF, JPG, PMD, etc) is required for prices shown. All Sponsor donations are tax deductible.
For questions regarding advertisements including payment arrangements, please contact:
25th Anniversary Dinner Committee
Full Page Advertisement w/Picture
Price: $125.00
Size: 7.5 inches x 10 inches
Half Page Advertisement w/Picture
Price: $75.00
Size: 7.5 inches x 5 inches
Quarter Page Advertisement w/Picure
Price: $50.00
Size: 5 inches x 3.75 inches
Business Card
Price: $35.00
Size: 3.5 inches x .5 inches